Chicontla Update - Van for Familias de Exito
Our brothers and sisters at Iglesia Familias de Exito now have a decent vehicle to transport people and equipment to and from the remote villages served by the church in the Sierra Norte de Puebla region of Mexico. Thanks to the generosity of our Park Street family we were able to donate money from our cross-cultural fund to purchase the 2006 Chevrolet Van. The van will be used to transport pastors and volunteers to villages like El Dorodo and Rancho Nuevo to serve the congregations and residents there. In the past, the ability to serve these areas were severely limited by the lack of transportation. Thanks so much for the love and friendship you show to our church family in Chicontla!
Thanks for your generosity and stewardship through the Cross Cultural Ministry Designated Fund! For more information about our cross cultural team and ministry partners, check out