Preschool and Daycare

Mission Statement

To be a channel of Jesus' love by providing enjoyable experience-oriented education and nurturing care in a respectful and loving environment that sparks life-long learning and lays a foundation for children to succeed in their next step of development.


             A ministry of Park Street Brethren Church, the Park Street School cares for toddlers and preschoolers, and provides before and after school care and full-time summer care for school-agers. 


Upcoming Events and Closures:

No School Friday April 18th-Monday April 21st Easter Break

No School Monday May 26th Memorial Day

Last Day of School & Graduation May 30th

Closed June 2nd-6th Flip Week

First Day of Summer Term June 9th


Availability, Rates & Start Dates

We strive to work with families to make a plan for school and child care that meets your family's needs. We understand that child care can be expensive, so we don't want to make you pay for times that you do not need. Our tuition rates are posted below for you to view. 

2024-2025 Tuition Schedule

2025-2026 Tuition Schedule



If you are looking for childcare and you are interested in Park Street School fill out the form below. We will contact you after you submit the form and see if we have the availability you are looking for! 

Interest Form


You can contact us for more information or with any questions you may have. | (419) 289-6128



School Resources     

  School Calendar   

 2024-2025 School Calendar       2025-2026 School Calendar

Parent Handbook     Parent Handbook 2024-2025


Procare is the app that we use to communicate with parents and update you on the activities that your child completes throughout the day. Before your child is enrolled at Park Street we will set up an account for you to use on Procare. You receive the link to sign up through your email.

Our Curriculum

This school year we have started using Frog Streets curriculum. Our Toddler class and Littles class each have their own age-appropriate curriculum that contains daily activities and lessons for the students to participate in. 

Toddler Curriculum                   Littles Curriculum


Our Middles and Pre-K classrooms have a curriculum calendar that they follow. Each week there is a different theme that they cover with activities that correlate. They also learn about a new letter and number every week. 

2024-2025 Curriculum Calendar



Meet our Staff and Visit our Classrooms



 Littles     Middles   Pre-K  

School-Age   Support Staff

Library   Bible Classroom   Art Room



School Year

Park Street offers care and classes for children 24 months through Pre-K, and wrap around care and full-time summer care for elementary aged children K-5th grade.

The Toddler Room is for our toddlers, 18 months-3 years or potty-training. This room focuses on refining gross motor skills while introducing more of a structured environment. Potty-training begins in this classroom for those that are ready.

The Littles Room is a step up from our Toddler room and is for our friends that are too young for our fully potty-trained Middles classroom. This room is for ages 2 1/2 and older that are actively potty-training. Offering loads of fun activities, opportunities to play games, and interaction with others, this level of care also offers a flexible schedule.

The Middles Preschool Class is an intro-to-preschool class for fully potty-trained three and four year olds. This class provides opportunities to learn how to become part of a larger class, to listen quietly, and to play well with others. This helps establish the building blocks of both education and behavior. 

The Pre-K Preschool Class focuses on getting your child ready for kindergarten. This class is for four and five year olds entering Kindergarten the following school year. This class can be a step-up from the "Littles'' class or a first-time experience for your child. We strive to build character and the basics of learning to help your child thrive for years to come.

Preschool is available Monday-Friday from 9:00 am to 11:50 am, and our state-licensed daycare facility provides hourly, half-day, and full-day care to customize childcare to your family's needs.

School-Age care is available before and after school and full-time through the summer months. Understanding that some jobs do not allow for you to pick up/drop off your school-ager at specific times, we can work with you to provide a space for them in between school times and when you are able to pick them up. Ashland City Schools will also bus your child to and from our center if needed.

Summer Program

Summer care is available for toddlers, preschoolers, and school-aged children all day. For working families who need summer care, this is an excellent option to keep your child entertained, cared for, and learning during the summer months. Our school hours remain the same in the summer, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm.



Park Street School operates Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. 




Some parents have asked about our Amazon Wishlist-so here it is! 

We continue to be amazed by the generosity of our families. Thank you for your continued support of our school!

Click the link below to view our list!

 Amazon Wishlist

Employment Opportunities

Job Application

(link will take you to application)

Join our school today if you love working with children and want to make a positive impact in their lives.


Park Street Brethren Church
619 Park St, Ashland OH 44805
Phone: 419.289.0224

Sunday Worship 
9:00 am and 10:30 am
Children and adult classes both hours

Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
    9 am to 3 pm

Copyright © 2025 Park Street Brethren Church. All rights reserved.