Threefold Communion
Thursday, April 17, 2025 - 6:00pm
We typically practice Threefold Communion twice a year—once during Holy Week and again the first Sunday of October, Worldwide Communion Sunday.
While receiving the bread and cup is a common practice to remember the symbols of Christ’s sacrifice, observing Threefold Communion through a shared meal, feet washing, and the bread and cup allows us to commemorate Jesus’ last meal with his disciples, following the example and command that He gave us.
Let's celebrate together by sharing a provided meal, washing each other's feet, and partaking in the Eucharist.
After the meal, childcare/activities are available for children--infants to 3rd grade. We invite children in 4th grade and up to stay and participate or observe.
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Park Street Brethren Church
619 Park St, Ashland OH 44805
Phone: 419.289.0224
Sunday Worship
9:00 am and 10:30 am
Children and adult classes both hours
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday
9 am to 3 pm