Life Groups
Together, with Jesus
Life groups form when individuals or families intentionally spend time together with Jesus. Our groups take various forms because when and how we organize our times together is less important than if we spend time together and what we do together.
Here are a few ways in which some life groups interact:
- Bible studies
- Weekly or biweekly small groups: each group decides its format
- Mentorships
- Men's groups
- Women's groups
- Sunday morning small groups
Some of our life groups have been meeting together for years, while others form and disburse as life changes for group members.

Sounds great. Where can I join?
We need to talk honestly about Life Groups. Church attendees have a habit of falling into some comfortable rhythms that do not always make it easy to get involved in a Life Group. You may have experienced this before, and it's not because you're not wanted or welcome. Life Groups should be a place where safety and trust are built, and sometimes adding people to groups can change the dynamic. That's why we need to work together to get you connected.
What can you do to help?
The best way to discover a life group is to meet others at Park Street.
- Join a class.
- Connect with others.
- Serve alongside others.
- Ask others if they are engaged in a life group and what they do.
Reach out to our Director of Discipleship, Lanie Roberts, to let her know you are interested. Sometimes we have groups that you can jump into, and other times we are looking for new leaders to emerge to form a new group.
Consider leading a new group and allow (or better yet, invite) others to join. We often find that church attendees want more but await a leader to organize a time and location. You can do it, and we can help!
What can the church do to help?
Park Street provides organized opportunities for connection:
- Come to the Table
- Welcome Lunches
- Classes
- Volunteer Opportunities
- All church events and gatherings
These activities help regular attendees create new relationships and deeper connections and do just the same for visitors and new attendees.